Monday, July 30, 2012

We're Men In Tight TIGHT Tights.

I think that what Aquaman really needs is the good ol' Hollywood treatment. Aquaman needs a movie. I know that there is one in talks right now (how could there not be with the current superhero film craze?) and "They" are planning a Justice League film which could be pretty awesome. I DO NOT think that they should attempt an "Aquaman origin story" movie though because quite honestly, it would be boring. They need to throw an audience into the world of Atlantis and show us an Aquaman that has already been seasoned by the battles below land. He should fight for his son, or maybe to regain his place on the throne after his exile.

Dear Hollywood,

As for who would play our beloved Arthur Curry, I don't know why but Armie Hammer (The Social Network) continuously comes to mind. I believe that he could play a wonderfully hotheaded King of Atlantis. As for Mera: Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) anyone? Or perhaps Evan Rachel Wood (The Wrestler)? I have put too much thought into this...

I bought pants. They are green. They are NOT tights, regardless of what the title of this post may lead you to believe. They were also fantastically cheap. By which I mean about $30. That's fantastic. I'll be sure to post a picture of my pants eventually, just not today because I don't feel like it. Also my phone is dead and I can't find the USB cord for my camera so I don't have any way to actually do so.

I'm going on a road trip with my parents this coming weekend.  I'm still working on the armor, and I have nearly mastered the skill of weaving it in a moving vehicle, so I have the entire trip to frustrate my folks with the endless clinking of aluminum scales. I have about 2.5 square feet of the fabric now, awesome.

If and when they make that movie I will be there in costume, goddammit!

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