Sunday, July 22, 2012


So the scale mail is going better than expected. When I say that, I mean that I don't hate it yet, which I'll take as a positive sign. Here is a sample:

I suppose that I should mention that I'm not going for a traditional Aquaman. I'm going for a slightly more pirate-y version. It looks really cool in my head, but we all know how these things tend to actually work out. I still have high hopes.

I have been watching Smallville and I'm surprised to find myself enjoying it as much as I am. I'm not and never have been a big fan of Superman, but the show has its merits. I particularly enjoy its nostalgic soundtrack; I'm pretty sure that I recognize every song. I have a couple of issues with the show, however:

1. HE'S 14!? SERIOUSLY!? And it's not just him, all of his friends must be at least 20. I could've maybe believed 17 or maaaaybe 16, but 14 pushed it right over the edge. Considering Tom Welling reportedly turned down the role twice before donning the cape, the producers has plenty of time to consider someone who at least looked a little younger.

2. If Superman's weakness to Kryptonite is blocked by lead (which I didn't know before) why doesn't he wear a lead suit? It wouldn't have to be thick. Any kind of lead-based armor would do. And for those of you who immediately thought: "it'd be too heavy" kindly place your palm on your face because you just realized that "too heavy" does not apply to SUPERMAN.

3. I hate Lana Lang.

Also I finally saw the Man of Steel trailer at work yesterday, and even though my opinion of Superman is lukewarm at best, I'm still SUPER excited to see it.


SUPER excited! Get it? Aha aha ...ahem.

1 comment:

  1. Where do I buy the scale? Would you mind share, please? Thanks!
